On Board Data Acquisition system
In the vastly networked, truly border-less world of the information age, the new role of leadership involves the knowledge. Shipping Industry starts to widely recognize the added-value of information technology to its business competitiveness and sustained growth.

On Board Data Acquisition system Key Points
- Managing remotely multimillion worth investments through real time information flow from board to the shore management is, without doubt, the most efficient way for cost control and maximise profit.
- Systematic ship data acquisition and forwarding ashore is a must in modern ship management.
- On board ship data acquisition should be done intelligently in order to provide shore management with easy to understand and prompt to use information.
- There are different priorities and criteria in ship data acquisition techniques depending on what is intended do with.
- For real time on board energy efficiency and GHG emission management same time-stamp readings of performance data are essential.
- Providing ship management with historic records for day to day administration and decision making, average periodic readings are sufficient.