D-SSP System
D-SSP System: world first REAL TIME DYNAMIC SHIP PERFORMANCE Optimizing.
Taking prompt action when, where it happen is the most efficient way to take advantage of an event. This way a cost is transform in profit.
For every $100 of fuel supplied to the main engine on board merely $25 is returned in ship speed. At least that 25% return, deserves being closely watched in order to be maintained as high as possible!
D-SSP System Key Points
- D-SSP applies the most profit making approach to Ship Performance Optimizing and Energy Efficiency on board guaranteeing minimal GHG emission.
- Configured with ship specific parameters for Hull, propeller, Main engine, TC, Boilers etc, D-SSP build-in artificial intelligence instantly detects every deviation from optimum efficiency and promptly notifies the crew what is going wrong, where, and what corrective actions to be taken by crew in REAL TIME.
- D-SSP reads real-time and keeps extremely detailed track of the vessel’s overall performance, round the clock.
- D-SSP reads real-time and keeps extremely detailed track of the vessel’s sub-systems as Main Engine, Propeller, Generators, boilers, cargo handling equipment performance, round the clock
- D-SSP is world first ON-LINE REAL TIME DYNAMIC energy efficiency system with prompt diagnostic of any efficiency loss on board, providing crew what IMMEDIATE action to take.
- If no action is taken within a predefined time D-SSP can, if instructed so, immediately inform the person in charge of the vessel at shore management.
- Real time prompt action results in:
– High performance
– Minimum headaches - Approaches of ship data analysed ashore and feed back crew with instructions of action to be taken onboard is a waste of time and resources. Excess Fuel has already passed the funnel with consequent GHG excess emission.