Voyage Efficiency with DSSP
Sea state, weather condition, loading condition, trim, list, hull and propeller condition, fuel quality; shallow/restricted water navigation effect and Squat may affect vessel performance during a single voyage.
Therefore the ~25% in ship speed converted, at best, for every $100 of fuel burn, may be severely affected during voyage. Charterer concern.
Owner side will suffer from engine overload, excessive Lub oil consumption, higher frequency of machinery overhauls and more spare parts supplies.
D-SSP is taking full charge of vessel performance in a totally transparent way, considering for the particular vessel loading, sea state, weather & environmental condition, Trim, shallow water navigation effect and Squat prevention.
Example: D-SSP will detect if the number of running generators exceed the requested power, in function of loading condition, manoeuvring, navigation area etc, will warn crew to limit the number of running generators and warn ship manager if no action is taken by crew.
There is absolutely no need for crew, shore management or third party service providers to start analysing ship data manually or through expensive third part software in order to find out ship performance loss indentify the source and decide the action to be taken on board, then feed back instructions on board for the crew to take action.
This entire loop is performed instantly on board by D-SSP System achieving heist efficiency and astonishing economic and environmental results.
Rivers of ink have been poured, since many years on trim optimising benefit. Depending on the type of vessel, her loading condition, weather condition some types of ships are allowed to vary trim and under certain circumstances.
The change in hydrodynamic performance is very limited, much less than certain claim to achieve through dedicates systems.
D-SSP provides a dedicated function for carrying Trim optimisation test.
Trim test do not require any data analysis ashore, build of 3D models etc.
We dispose the ship in real scale, we have the necessary sensors and we read the sailing efficiency by varying trim. As simple as that.
D-SSP keeps in memory all parameters and after few tests in different loading condition D-SSP is ready to advise in advance the optimum trim for a specific loading condition.
D-SSP includes the necessary intelligence to monitor all concerned parameters during test find out the best trim as well as further optimise trim during voyage in function of environmental parameters.
Shallow water navigation
Fuel saving and Main engine overload prevention is very important when navigating in shallow/restricted waters. Indeed a ship sailing in water depth less than its length in waterline starts feeling bottom effect. This amplify with depth decrease and water becomes restricted (rivers & channels)
Speed loss may exceed 60%, main engine overload more than 50% !!
Ships sail often for days in shallow waters and there is no real time evaluation of the speed loss, energy waste and Main Engine overload today on board.
D-SSP has dedicated functions for real time calculation of shallow/restricted water effect.
D-SSP will prevent any energy waste, engine overload by immediately advising crew the OPTIMUM sailing speed in function of type and size of the particular vessel, the keel clearance fore and aft draft, in shallow and/or restricted waters.
Warnings of Squat are issued to the master when depth clearance is getting tight and in function of the speed.
All Squat parameters are constantly on display in Bridge, including dynamic trim, other end, mid body sinkage etc.
Propeller performance is thoroughly monitored throughout the voyage to assure the delivered Torque is transformed in Thrust and ship’s speed with maximum efficiency. In a few words most of the paid fuel is indeed translated in ship speed.
The major mechanical energy producer on board ship is continuously monitored from fuel type in use and fuel flow, specific consumption, single cylinder efficiency, cooling and lubrication system, exhaust gas, torque and RPM produced on the propeller shaft.
Main engine exhaust gases being the prime mover of the turbo chargers are constantly monitored by D-SSP together with turbine rpm and compressor inlet air pressure.
Any deviation from the highest efficiency are immediately notified to crew, and if persisting to shore management.
The number of electric power diesel generators running on board in the various navigation stages are strictly controlled by D-SSP to assure only the minimum necessary generators are running that satisfy the power load demand from consumers. This way Considerable quantity of fuel and lubrication oil is spared as well as a large number of running hours (parts wear down, spares, overhaul frequency and costs) are saved for the owners.
Fuel use, fuel types in use, fuel type shift, fuel consumed by type, are automatically detected as well as any fuel move on board ship recorded with ship GPS position date and time.
D-SSP automatically generates reports for the shore management and charter party. Report layout is established in cooperation with owners.
EU MRV and Flag state reports are produced ashore through our FLEETSURVEY system running at management office.
D-SSP will monitor record and report to owners all moves of Fuel oil on board, from Bunkering to fuel consumed by each machine together with Sludge and oily water overboard.
Note the reporting of every event on board is complete with vessel position GMT date and time.